
Saturday, February 8, 2014

Pokebank Has a Legality Checker, Not a Hack Checker

Over the past couple of week, game developer Nintendo has been pretty occupied with re-releasing the Pokebank. As the Pokemon population engages themselves with this highly anticipated application, the US Pokemon community watches in envy as they’ve yet to receive the Pokebank.

Nevertheless, it appears that there is no reason for fans to rush into getting the Pokebank. The service application is very new to the world and there are already many complain on hacking Pokemon appearing everywhere. Fans from all over the world are questioning Nintendo to how this could have happened.

Fans have believed that Nintendo has fixed a hack checker when in reality; it is merely a legality checker on the Pokebank. It will prevent bringing Pokemon which has impossible move sets, impossible abilities, impossible caught level & location and of course impossible shininess. The Pokebank does nothing more than that.

It is important for fans to understand this in order to avoid making a wrong complain or accusation. More importantly, they should force Nintendo to come out of the dark and make the Pokebank more secure. After all, it is the game developer that has failed to make this highly popular application unsecured.

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