Animation studio A-1 Pictures is producing a special "Toki wa Meguru ~ TOKYO STATION" (Time Flows ~ Tokyo Station) anime to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the Tokyo Station City train station. A 30-second promotional video is currently streaming and features the theme song "Toki wa Meguru" (Time Flows) by YĆ« Sakai (Nodame Cantabile: Finale). The full-length anime will premiere in the Spring.
The video features the following dialogue:
Dad... It would have been great if we had talked more, huh? Mom said it, you know. "Your dad was the god that protects the times of Tokyo Station." I wonder... Does that mean that time has stopped since that day?
Tokyo Station has the most passing trains per day in Japan (about 3,000). Plans for the station started as early as 1889 but construction was delayed due to the First Sino-Japanese War and Russo-Japanese Wars. The station opened its doors on December 20, 1914 with just four platforms. Much of the station was destroyed during World War II, although repairs were made in 1946. Renovations in the last five years have recently restored the building to its pre-War appearance, including the dome-shaped roofs seen in the above trailer.
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