
Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Pokemon X And Y Shiny Charm: Completing The National Pokedex Through Friends!

As Pokemon X and Y fans continue to hunt for Shiny Pokemon, there is one item that is perhaps more coveted than any other: The Shiny Charm.

As some Pokemon fans may know, the Shiny Charm is a key item which increases the chances of encountering Shiny Pokemon to three times the normal rate. According to the Pokemon Wiki, this is 1 in 2,370.6, although given how much the rate appears to have changed in X and Y, I tend to question that.

The great thing about the Shiny Charm is it can stack on top of other strategies to Shiny farming, like the Masuda Method, or using the Friend Safari.

The only catch is, you can only obtain the Shiny Charm by completing the National Pokedex.

This is a big undertaking on your own, but there are ways of doing this.

The most fun way of getting a Shiny Charm in X and Y, of course, is to join an online community!

Recently, Jordinite on PokeJungle obtained a Shiny Charm be completing his/her National Pokedex, and it is all thanks to the PokeJungle community.

"PokeJungle is the best! I'm so glad to have stumbled upon this website!" writes Jordinite.

There are various online communities dedicated to Pokemon, and PokeJungle is a particular favorite of mine. If you're looking for the ultimate way to increase your chances of finding Shiny Pokemon, this is it.

So how close are you to completing the Pokemon X and Y National Pokedex? Perhaps asking some friendly fellow gamers will get you a little bit closer!

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